Photos :Celebrating the Day of the  Dead, 2022

What is Day of the Dead?

A celebration of the dead and the living

What is Day of the Dead?

Every year, Mexicans gather in cemeteries to remember their departed family members

Google celebrates Day of the Dead with a Doodle

It is a national holiday in Mexico, but it is also celebrated throughout Latin America, Spain, the Philippines and parts of the United States.

During the Day of the Dead celebrations that take place in late October and early November in Mexico

Photos: Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Dead – Dia de Muertos

Photos: Mexicans celebrate the Day of the Dead – Dia de Muertos

n many parts of Mexico, families will spend November 1 remembering the children, often referred to as “angelitos decorating their gravesites with toys and balloons..

On November 2, they will celebrate All Souls day, dedicated to adults who have died